Shelley Ramsey, grieving mom, grief

This Grieving Mom’s Identity

With a lump in my throat, tears in my eyes, and gratitude in my heart, I beg your favor.

Please don’t look at my life and see only the mess and broken pieces.  Please don’t think of me merely as a bereaved mom.

Instead, look at my life and see that even though a part of it caved in and nearly crushed me, it was (and is) a life brimming over with hope.

Because you know—God specializes in sitting in sorrow with his children, breathing life and purpose back into our deflated souls, and using our brokenness for His glory.

He took my brokenness, sins, and failures, bore them on a cross, and called me beloved.

I lost a son, and it was horrible. The pain of missing him can still leave me gasping for air.

But I am not Shelley Ramsey, Grieving Mom. And I am not Shelley Ramsey, Wife, Mom, and Grandma.

I am Shelley Ramsey, Beloved Child of God.

Friend, who are you?

A prayer for us …

Help us grasp who we are in You and how furiously You love us. Please use our grief to share Your love with others.